Jedi Mine Trick

Table of Contents


A Jedi Mine Trick (or JMT) is a method of interrupting a conversation after it has begun using the completion of the mine-laying animation. This allows flags or triggers that are set at or near the start of the conversation to execute before the skip occurs.

How To

A Jedi Mine Trick is really just an Open Buffer that ends by laying a mine. The cutscene or conversation will trigger and run until the mine-laying process is complete, at which point you regain control of your character and the cutscene ends.


A JMT will not work if the cutscene in question has scripted movement of the character laying the mine at the start, since that scripted movement interrupts the mine-laying animation before it can complete. Also, a JMT requires the character to have at least 1 point in Demolitions and an available mine to lay.

JMT also has a built in time limit, as the cutscene will skip once the mine is finished laying. Thus flags or triggers that are further into a cutscene than that cannot be accessed by a JMT; a Conversation Overlay may be more approriate in those instances.

Finally, any conversation or cutscene that does not have necessary flags or triggers in it should instead be skipped using a Save Buffer, as this is both faster and doesn’t require a mine.


Jedi Mine Trick is only useful in the No Major Glitches ruleset, as the Anywhere Menu Glitch obsoletes it in Unrestricted speedruns.

Current uses in Any% NMG include:

JMT can also shorten the Mission recruitment conversation, but this is not used because obtaining a mine for it loses more time than the skip saves.